
LocationEast side of Connaught Avenue just north of the junction with The Esplanade.
Side inscription
Side inscription
Front inscription
End inscription
MDFCTA number1910 (tentative)
Type and sizeTrough type-33 fine axed granite
Original locationEssex County. Frinton-on-sea
Date erected10 June 1912
CommentsType 33 cattle trough opposite parish church. Purchased by UDC. Cost £7.10.0. Measured at 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, 15 inches high. No fountain head. Although this trough has no inscriptions I'm assigned it to MDFCTA structure [1910] which is described as a 4ft trough.
AcknowledgementsThanks to C.F. Secretary of Frinton in Bloom for bringing this trough to my attention.